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Lewis Carroll e Walt Whitman: vita, opere e stile

Lewis Carroll e Walt Whitman: vita, opere e stile

Life and works – Born in 1832 Lewis Carroll was the third child of eleven children in a family who produced magazines of parodies, games and puzzles. He was educated at oxford university where he became good at math. His most famous children’s story was Alice’s adventures in wonderland, published in 1865. This story was invented during a boat trip with his friend Henry George Liddell, to amuse his daughters, especially Alice with which he sympathizes. A second book followed this :through the looking-glass and what Alice found there.

These stories were considered unusual for the time and different from most children’s books because it haven’t a didactic purpose. Only in 20th century were appreciated as philosophical works.FOCUS ON THE TEXT: ALICE IN WONDERLANDThe plot. Alice in wonderland has no real plot. Alice, the protagonist, falls in a sleep and she dreams to fall down in a rabbit hole while she was pursuing a white rabbit in the garden. She emerges in a surreal and illogical world whose nature constantly change. Alice too begins to change, her body growing or shrinking depending what on what she eats. (більше…)

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